Our Books
- Can I Retire Yet: How to Make the Biggest Financial Decision of the Rest of Your Life
- Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence
- Retiring Sooner: How to Accelerate Your Financial Independence
Investing Books
- All About Asset Allocation, Rick Ferri: Detailed description of different asset classes to consider for your portfolio combined with conceptual and theoretical framework to manage your investments.
- Fail-Safe Investing
, Harry Browne: The conservative investing classic. How to protect your money with simple, savvy asset classes. Browne’s Permanent Portfolio continues to attract followers.
- The Four Pillars of Investing
, William Bernstein: The most comprehensive overview of investing most of us will ever need. Theory, history, psychology, business. Plus safe withdrawals and allocating your own portfolio.
- The Intelligent Asset Allocator, William Bernstein: Great introduction to Modern Portfolio theory and market history.
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, John Bogle: Concise easy read from the man who introduced index fund to retail investors. Teaches how fees and behavior destroy most investors returns and how to protect yourself against Wall St so you “don’t allow a winner’s game to become a loser’s game.”
- The Random Walk Guide to Investing
, Burton Malkiel: Concise, well-organized, well-pedigreed argument for passive index investing. Lots of backing data.
- The Simple Path to Wealth, JL Collins: Jim enjoys a financially independent lifestyle while sharing money and life lessons through his blog. His Stock Series introduced passive index investing to a wide audience. Now you can get the same wisdom, distilled in book form. He tells you how to avoid common investing fears, misconceptions, and mistakes. He teaches about diversification, asset classes, asset allocation and the best way to use retirement plans. This is a simple, proven path to investment success from a guy who actually did it. If you’re new to investing, don’t miss this crash course in the essentials.
Retirement Planning
- Can I Retire?
Mike Piper: Compact guide covers the essentials. How much money? Safe withdrawal rates, annuities, portfolios, rollovers, asset allocation, buckets, and taxes.
- How Much Money Do I Need to Retire?
Todd Tresidder: One of the most comprehensive treatments of the topic. Uses three different approaches for answering the retirement question.
- Money for Life: Turn Your IRA and 401(k) Into a Lifetime Retirement Paycheck
, Steve Vernon: Introduces a process for estimating your retirement number. Covers the different retirement income generators. Outlines the key LIFE goals for your assets: longevity protection, inflation protection, flexibility/financial legacy, and minimizing exposure to market risk.
- Retire on Less Than You Think
, Fred Brock: Valuable if optimistic guide. Good advice on downsizing. Comprehensive discussion of health-insurance, now dated. Argues you can count on Social Security.
- Social Security Made Simple
, Mike Piper: Takes on the formidable task of simplifying Social Security, and succeeds. Concludes with six invaluable Social Security Rules of Thumb.
- The 4% Rule and Safe Withdrawal Rates in Retirement
, Todd Tresidder: A comprehensive review of safe withdrawal rate history, plus current research, and how it applies to modern retirement. The past does not predict the future!
Lifestyle Design
- Aging with a Plan: How a Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow
, Sharona Hoffman: Cross-cutting, research-based survey of the key retirement planning topics. Financial, but not only. Community living, home management, legal, driving, coordinated care, long-term care, and end of life issues.
- Sprinter RV Buyer’s Guide, Greg Keith: Over 330 pages packed with photos, specifications, floorplans, owner’s reviews, NHTSA recall details/consumer issues, for every major model of North American Sprinter motorhome available. Impartial and up-to-date.
- Women, Money & Prosperity
, Donna Phelan: The road to retirement success told from the perspective of four strong sisters — one married, one divorced, one widowed and one who never married. Shows how to establish income for life by creating an investment portfolio, managing credit, building a profitable business, and joining with other women.
- Work Less, Live More: The Way to Semi-Retirement
, Robert Clyatt: One of the first books to present a complete plan for early semi-retirement. Still valuable discussion of costs, safe withdrawals, taxes, and lifestyle.
- Younger Next Year, Chris Crowley/Henry Lodge: Primarily a health book for men (there’s an edition for women too), this is jam packed with motivation and specific ideas on how to improve the quality of your life in retirement. Turns out that exercise is the fountain of youth, or as close as we’re likely to get. The brief chapter on personal finance is spot on as well.
- Early Retirement Extreme: one of the first extremely early retirees, gold mine for frugality
- FinancialMentor: entrepreneuring, financial independence, retirement equation, safe withdrawal rates
- FinancingLife: proven investing wisdom delivered in friendly, bite-sized video nuggets
- FIscovery: aggregation and link portal to some of the best financial independence blogs
- I Will Teach You to Be Rich: entrepreneuring, cash management, career growth
- James Collins: early retirement lifestyle and simple low-cost investing with a wise and eloquent voice
- Military Retirement & Financial Independence: early financial independence with a military perspective
- Monevator: savvy, simple investing with an international perspective
- Mr. Money Mustache: low-consumption lifestyle, frugality, financial independence, rental property
- Oblivious Investor: passive index investing, asset allocation, tax strategy, Social Security
- Retirement Researcher: cutting edge research on retirement income, safe withdrawal rates, annuities
- Rick Ferri: passive index investing, critique of financial services
- Scott Burns: asset allocation, retirement equation, Social Security, pensions
- Young Research: diversification, conservative investing for income
Retirement Calculators
- Pralana Gold Retirement Calculator (Affiliate): Premium retirement calculator, arguably the most advanced personal financial model available at any price.
See our calculator reviews:
Social Security Calculator
- Open Social Security: A newer free, open-source Social Security strategy calculator.
- Comparing the 2 Leading Social Security Calculators
Insurance Subsidy Calculator
- KFF Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator: Intuitive, free tool to calculate and model health insurance costs premiums and subsidies.
- Go Curry Cracker! ACA Premium Calculator: Similar inputs and outputs to KFF calculator. Helpful definition of terms and links to strategies to minimize health insurance premiums and optimize subsidies.
General Calculators
These sites contain a wide variety of generally free calculators to help model almost any financial situation.
Recommended Books
- Aging with a Plan: How a Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow
, Sharona Hoffman: Cross-cutting, research-based survey of the key retirement planning topics. Financial, but not only. Community living, home management, legal, driving, coordinated care, long-term care, and end of life issues.
- Can I Retire?
Mike Piper: Compact guide covers the essentials. How much money? Safe withdrawal rates, annuities, portfolios, rollovers, asset allocation, buckets, and taxes.
- Fail-Safe Investing
, Harry Browne: The conservative investing classic. How to protect your money with simple, savvy asset classes. Browne’s Permanent Portfolio continues to attract followers.
- How Much Money Do I Need to Retire?
Todd Tresidder: One of the most comprehensive treatments of the topic. Uses three different approaches for answering the retirement question.
- Money for Life: Turn Your IRA and 401(k) Into a Lifetime Retirement Paycheck
, Steve Vernon: Introduces a process for estimating your retirement number. Covers the different retirement income generators. Outlines the key LIFE goals for your assets: longevity protection, inflation protection, flexibility/financial legacy, and minimizing exposure to market risk.
- Retire on Less Than You Think
, Fred Brock: Valuable if optimistic guide. Good advice on downsizing. Comprehensive discussion of health-insurance, now dated. Argues you can count on Social Security.
- Social Security Made Simple
, Mike Piper: Takes on the formidable task of simplifying Social Security, and succeeds. Concludes with six invaluable Social Security Rules of Thumb.
- Sprinter RV Buyer’s Guide, Greg Keith: Over 330 pages packed with photos, specifications, floorplans, owner’s reviews, NHTSA recall details/consumer issues, for every major model of North American Sprinter motorhome available. Impartial and up-to-date.
- The 4% Rule and Safe Withdrawal Rates in Retirement
, Todd Tresidder: A comprehensive review of safe withdrawal rate history, plus current research, and how it applies to modern retirement. The past does not predict the future!
- The Four Pillars of Investing
, William Bernstein: The most comprehensive overview of investing most of us will ever need. Theory, history, psychology, business. Plus safe withdrawals and allocating your own portfolio.
- The Random Walk Guide to Investing
, Burton Malkiel: Concise, well-organized, well-pedigreed argument for passive index investing. Lots of backing data.
- The Simple Path to Wealth
, JL Collins: Jim enjoys a financially independent lifestyle while sharing money and life lessons through his blog. His Stock Series introduced passive index investing to a wide audience. Now you can get the same wisdom, distilled in book form. He tells you how to avoid common investing fears, misconceptions, and mistakes. He teaches about diversification, asset classes, asset allocation and the best way to use retirement plans. This is a simple, proven path to investment success from a guy who actually did it. If you’re new to investing, don’t miss this crash course in the essentials.
- Women, Money & Prosperity
, Donna Phelan: The road to retirement success told from the perspective of four strong sisters — one married, one divorced, one widowed and one who never married. Shows how to establish income for life by creating an investment portfolio, managing credit, building a profitable business, and joining with other women.
- Work Less, Live More: The Way to Semi-Retirement
, Robert Clyatt: One of the first books to present a complete plan for early semi-retirement. Still valuable discussion of costs, safe withdrawals, taxes, and lifestyle.
- Younger Next Year
, Chris Crowley/Henry Lodge: Primarily a health book for men (there’s an edition for women too), this is jam packed with motivation and specific ideas on how to improve the quality of your life in retirement. Turns out that exercise is the fountain of youth, or as close as we’re likely to get. The brief chapter on personal finance is spot on as well.
Recommended Blogs
- Early Retirement Extreme: one of the first extremely early retirees, gold mine for frugality
- FinancialMentor: entrepreneuring, financial independence, retirement equation, safe withdrawal rates
- FinancingLife: proven investing wisdom delivered in friendly, bite-sized video nuggets
- FIscovery: aggregation and link portal to some of the best financial independence blogs
- I Will Teach You to Be Rich: entrepreneuring, cash management, career growth
- James Collins: early retirement lifestyle and simple low-cost investing with a wise and eloquent voice
- Military Retirement & Financial Independence: early financial independence with a military perspective
- Monevator: savvy, simple investing with an international perspective
- Mr. Money Mustache: low-consumption lifestyle, frugality, financial independence, rental property
- Oblivious Investor: passive index investing, asset allocation, tax strategy, Social Security
- Retirement Researcher: cutting edge research on retirement income, safe withdrawal rates, annuities
- Rick Ferri: passive index investing, critique of financial services
- Scott Burns: asset allocation, retirement equation, Social Security, pensions
- Young Research: diversification, conservative investing for income