Am I as Rich as I Think?
My net worth (total assets minus total liabilities) today is 6.3% higher than it was when I retired in 2019. This is in no small part thanks to stellar returns delivered by the financial markets since then.
What’s more, I have not incurred any catastrophic expenses; e.g., a costly medical diagnosis (knocking on wood). Five years into retirement, I’m a little more confident my decision to punch out at the tender age of 53 was a safe one.
Even if the next five years are just as bad for financial markets as the last five were good, I’ll be no worse off ten years post-retirement than when I retired.
There may lurk a fallacy in this optimism, however. It’s what the great twentieth century economist Irving Fisher called the money illusion, and I aim to explore its true hazards in today’s post.
My Net Worth
Here is a graph of my net worth, month over month, since my retirement in March 2019.

What useful information can be gleaned from this graph? For starters, note its title: Liquid Net Worth. Liquid here means money to which I have ready access, or assets I can convert to money easily. This includes cash in savings accounts, and investments in taxable brokerage and tax-deferred retirement accounts. Notably, it does not include home equity.
Why don’t I include home equity in my net worth? For a couple of reasons. First, I can’t use home equity to buy stuff (unless I turn it into a home equity loan, which I am loath to do). For this exercise, I’m only interested in money I can use to buy stuff.
Second, home equity can be tricky to quantify. What if my home requires $100K of improvements to fetch a price the same, updated model down the street just sold for? If I don’t account for this, I significantly overstate my net worth.
Including home equity in my net worth may make me feel better about my financial situation, but it’s probably best to exclude it from analyses of sustainable spending.
My Real Net Worth
The next graph is identical to the first, but I’ve added a new line (in red) called real net worth. The blue line is still there, but now I am calling it nominal net worth.

Nominal means in name only. That is, the name one dollar has the same meaning today that it did 100 years ago. Though the name hasn’t changed, the value of one dollar is much different than it was 100 years ago. This change is reflected in the real value of one dollar, which accounts for its loss in purchasing power over that period.
Whereas the blue line in the graph shows an increase of 6.3% since 2019, the red line shows a decrease of 13.9%. Thus the real, or inflation-adjusted, value of my net worth has actually decreased since I retired, and not by an insignificant amount.
Put another way, my 6.3% increase in net worth exists in a fantasy world in which there was no inflation between March 2019 and today. This is what Fisher was alluding to when he coined the term money illusion.
While the blue and red lines diverge only slightly in the leftmost third of the graph, the widening accelerates markedly in the rightmost two-thirds. If it weren’t obvious why this is the case, the next graph should make it clear.

This graph plots the increase in consumer prices over the same period. I am using a measure preferred by economists, and a variant thereof most applicable to me: the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, or CPI-U.
Note the rapid steepening of the line starting around 2021. This is around the same time the blue and red lines on my net worth graph start to widen at a noticeably accelerating pace.
Cognitive Dissonance
If you haven’t felt the pain of inflation the last three years, congratulations. Either you have money to burn or, as a cave dweller, your cost of living isn’t measured in currency.
Many economists today are baffled by consumer pessimism, citing statistics that convince them the economy is booming. What they fail to consider is that inflation does not equal prices. The latter measures a quantity, and the former the rate of change in that quantity—apples and oranges. While inflation has come down, prices have not.
Compared to a few short years ago, current price levels are a shock to the psyche. This explains, at least in part, why so many of us feel lousy about the economy despite lower inflation.
The Markets
The next graph plots the change in the S&P 500 index over the same five year period as the previous graphs. The S&P 500 index is a good proxy for the total US equities market, in which a substantial portion of my liquid net worth is invested.

If you compare this graph to the one plotting my net worth, you will notice a distinct correlation. For example, note the substantial dip from January to March 2020. The same dip is clearly visible in the net worth graph.
What does this correlation tell us? For one thing, it reveals the extent to which my net worth is tied to the US equities market.
Some might consider this a dangerous, or even irresponsible, consolidation of risk. I admit that the degree of the correlation is a bit startling even to me. But when you don’t have enough to live off risk-free interest alone, you are somewhat beholden to the stock market circus.
Though it is more difficult to discern, the amplitude of the peaks and valleys in the S&P 500 index graph is greater than that in the net worth graph. This is because the whole of my liquid net worth is indeed invested more conservatively than the S&P 500 index. The next graph makes the point visually.

There is another important difference between the S&P 500 and net worth graphs. The former trends upward much more steeply than the latter. It should be obvious why this is the case. It is because the spend-down on my assets represents a significant drag on my net worth.
My Real Rate of Inflation
As important as it is to understand the difference between the nominal and real values of money, it is no less useful to distinguish official (nominal) inflation from personal (real) inflation. Official inflation is expressed in CPI-U. Personal inflation represents the actual change in what you spend.
Here is a graph that plots my spending, month over month, since March 2019.

Aside from the occasional months in which my spending exceeded $10K, it has remained fairly flat, despite the rapid increase in CPI-U. If I omit the spikes in the graph—the four $10K outliers—the trend is slightly upward. But it is so small that it is nearly imperceptible. Crucially, it is nowhere near as steep as CPI-U.
Does this mean that, despite the breathtaking increase in CPI-U, I have somehow magically dodged the effects of inflation? Indeed I am not immune to the effects of official inflation. Chief among these is the precipitous increase in interest rates that has accompanied it (I wrote about that here).
How is it, then, that I have managed to keep my spending flat? The short answer is that I have made conscious adjustments; spending less on discretionary items like meals out, expensive trips and other things I can still live comfortably without.
Just as modern refinements to Bill Bengen’s 4% rule call for belt-tightening in times of poor market returns, the same strategy can be employed in times of high inflation.
Related: What is Your Personal Rate of Inflation
Related: The Benefits of Gamifying Retirement Spending
The Bad News
I started this post by alluding to the pitfalls of conflating the nominal and real values of money; what Irving Fisher coined the money illusion. Fisher was so taken by the subject he wrote an entire book about it.
It is a fascinating topic, and deserves a deeper dive for anyone interested in the often bizarre psychology of behavioral economics.
It also suggests one might do well to recast a nominal increase in net worth in terms of real, inflation-adjusted dollars before pulling the trigger on that new Lambo.
The Good News
With the money illusion dispelled, I countered that the news is not all bad; that even if your real net worth has gone down, there is no need to panic.
To the extent there is a discretionary component to your spending, there is an opportunity to adjust it to protect yourself from inflation, even at the dizzying pace captured in official inflation numbers.
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Valuable Resources
- The Best Retirement Calculators can help you perform detailed retirement simulations including modeling withdrawal strategies, federal and state income taxes, healthcare expenses, and more. Can I Retire Yet? partners with two of the best.
- Boldin (formerly New Retirement): Web Based High Fidelity Modeling Tool
- Pralana Online (formerly Pralana Gold): Online and/or Microsoft Excel-Based High Fidelity Modeling Tool
- Monitor Your Investment Portfolio
- Sign up for a free Empower account to gain access to track your asset allocation, investment performance, individual account balances, net worth, cash flow, and investment expenses.
- Our Books
- Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence
- Can I Retire Yet: How To Make the Biggest Financial Decision of the Rest of Your Life
- Retiring Sooner: How to Accelerate Your Financial Independence
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[I’m David Champion. I retired from a career in software development in March 2019, just shy of my 53rd birthday. To position myself for 40+ years of worry-free retirement, I consumed all manner of early-retirement resources. Notable among these was CanIRetireYet?, whose newsletters I have received in my inbox every Monday morning for the last ten years. CanIRetireYet? is one of exactly two personal finance newsletters I subscribe to. Why? Because of the practical, no-nonsense advice I find here. I attribute my financial success in no small part to what I have learned from Darrow and Chris. In sharing some of my own observations on the early-retirement journey, I aim to maintain the high standard of value readers of CanIRetireYet? have come to expect.]
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This month I definitely felt inflation harder than previous months. So far my spending has fluctuated somewhere between 5-10% of last year’s value.
However this month I made a few extra meals that were a little more expensive than usual. In previous years it wouldn’t break my budget to make these same meals.
But overall, despite not living in a cave, I haven’t been too effected by inflation. Although this may be more due to my hobbies being cost effective (I.E. I already have a lot of homebrewing equipment I need so it’s just supplies).
The official CPI includes ~60% housing costs. Unless you are renting, it doesn’t match well with a retiree’s spending patterns. There must be a better inflation index for retirees.
You may want to also add the net present value of your future social security income in your graphs. That provides an additional layer of anti-anxiety.
Agreed, Jan.
I considered adding social security to the mix, but didn’t want to muddy the waters too much. Social Security is the best inflation-adjusted annuity I am aware of. And to the extent you trust the federal government to make good on its obligations, also the most risk-free. I plan to write more about this in future post(s).
Great article. Ill have to dig in and do a similar analysis on my liq NW. on inflation I recently returned from a cross country road trip. The difference in prices in different parts of the country are noticeable , gas in particular varying by as much as 25%. Hotel rates , consistently high across the 4 states I overnighted but not surprised with summer rates. Fast food, which I largely avoided, but gave into on my last leg home was shocking. $12 for two egg biscuits at McD. And they sucked. No more fast food for me , bad food and poor value not a great combo. In contrast had some of the best food in a while at local small eateries at very reasonable prices, mostly small towns. Live and learn.
Thanks for that analysis- it matches my own especially about personal inflation. I have the same monthly budget I have had for many years. I also modified my behavior as I saw prices increasing on things – and it was probably a good thing as I don’t eat out as much and buy less junk food!!!
Thanks David for writing the article. I enjoyed learning more about inflation, especially personal inflation. By the way, what other personal finance newsletter do you subscribe to?
Hi Fred,
There are three, actually:
1. CanIRetireYet? (of course!)
2. Money Stuff, by Bloomberg columnist Matt Levine. Pretty wonky, but I like wonky.
3. Vitaliy N. Katsenelson, CEO of Investment Management Associates, Inc, puts out a great email newsletter. I love his down to earth, no-nonsense style.
Absolutely amazing newsletter. It is timely, on point, and has a realistic point of view. I am saving it and intend to try to fully digest and replicate the graphs with my personal data. Thanks so much.
Thank YOU, Robert!
Nice graphics to illustrate the impact of inflation. And the economists must never go buy groceries or they wouldn’t be pronouncing from their ivory towers that all is well. Geez.
Just like you I’ve made adjustments in spending, but unfortunately the areas where prices are out of control and which, ironically, I get the least value from I can’t do much of anything about. My property taxes, +40%, car insurance, +40%, homeowners , +30%, and health, +12% now make up more than 30% of my entire budget. Fortunately, the money is there, but for many it is not. While I expected some inflation, these increases are not what I accounted for if they continue.
Hi Ed,
I hear you. Recent increases to auto and homeowners premiums are–how shall I put this–alarming. One wonders if they are sustainable, even for those (like you and me) with some cushion in the budget.
Property taxes, too. Although I complained about this to a friend recently, who pointed out this was a direct result of an increase in my home’s value. She was less than sympathetic, and rightfully so.
Great article, David! I always like articles like this that make you think.
I wrote a Withdrawal Policy Statement to help guide my decisions in retirement. As an interesting exercise, I listed our liquid assets, illiquid assets (home, vacation home, other real estate), and present value of (discounted) cash flow payments (social security, pension, annuity). Mentally, I reduce my traditional IRA balance by 20% for taxes. For inflation, I increased our future spending to give a more realistic picture of income requirements. I didn’t consider decreasing liquid net worth for the loss of purchasing power when looking at liquid net worth vs. cash flow.
Thanks for the share, Cheryl.
Always happy to read comments from folks who nerd out on their finances as much as I do.
Don’t forget to inflation-adjust your assets/income, too. For example, if you receive/will receive Social Security, if you keep it flat relative to your inflation-adjusted spending you will depress yourself needlessly.
I agree with reducing your traditional IRA balances to account for the future tax liability (somebody has to pay it!). On that note, you’re not as rich as you think.
We do the same thing on adjusting any tax-deferred balances down by an appropriate tax amount when calculating true net worth. We won’t have access to the funds until the governments (Federal and State) take their share first.
Good article! I’m curious to know how you derived the data for the Real net worth chart.
Thanks, Mark.
For each month after my start month (March 2019), I subtracted March 2019 CPI-U from the future month’s CPI-U, and divided the difference by March 2019 CPI-U. This gives me the percentage *decrease* in CPI-U from the future month to March 2019. To arrive at the future month’s *real* net worth, I multiplied 1 minus the percentage decrease by the future month’s *nominal* net worth.
This is the same methodology used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for its online inflation calculator (which can be found here:
Like most people, I see the largest change in prices at the grocery store. I was at Trader Joe’s yesterday. Bought some fruit, cheese, and snacks for a concert/picnic at the park on a Sunday afternoon. I figured I had about $50 worth of stuff in the shopping cart, but when I checked out it was $102!
Good, sound information in a straight forward, easy to read format. Well done.
The last 20 years of my professional career were spent at a Financial Services firm that catered to mostly high net worth individuals (majority 1-5+m in investable assets). Over the course of those years, I came to the realization that a significant percentage, had very little ‘money sense’. They were / had been ok at saving/making money, but a surprising few seemed to have a good foundational understanding like the information in this article.
I believe this ‘ostrich mentality’ is what lead to beliefs like the “4% rule” and “60/40 portfolios”. The long term needs of each was unique, yet few seemed to want to take the time / make the effort to dig into just a few of the fundamentals. They were happy to pay the firm 0.50 – 1.0%+ of AUM to do it for them. Good for the firm, not so much for them.
Thanks, Tim.
You, I and readers of this blog are surely in the minority when it comes to interest in personal finance. I consider myself lucky in that regard.
Making information as simple as possible makes it a lot more palatable to those who can benefit from it.
You also left out taxes. In taxable accounts you can probably take a 25%
Another key factor to consider is time. You now need to live off your portfolio for 5 less years, which if you were planning on a 40 year period is a sizable drop in risk. In addition to a decrease in total duration, you are also 5 years closer to social security and medicare which will also reduce your risk of running out of money.
1. S&P 500 return graphics need to show real total returns (i.e. with all dividends re-invested and inflation-adjusted) to get a better picture, due to money illusion which you discuss.
2. There is no such thing as a “personal inflation rate.” By definition, inflation affects all nominal dollars. Your personal spending preferences and how they change from one year to the next have absolutely nothing to do with “inflation.”
I like the graph entitled “My Real Net Worth” showing the impact of inflation. As a build on that graph, I’d like to see the same inflation impact on your graph entitled “The Markets”. Perhaps you could add a red line onto “The Markets” graph showing the inflation-adjusted pricing of the S&P 500. This could be a powerful visual showing how equities have the ability to outpace inflation and preserve purchasing power….but that ability does introduce risk that people will have to consider.